
Joe Kobluk

Joe began a career in radio as a student announcer with CJAT in Trail in 1942. He became a full-time announcer in 1944 and rose to be General Manager in 1960 and Managing Director in 1965. Joe left CJAT in 1976.

With his broadcasting experience, Joe participated in many community events and activities. He was Master of Ceremonies for numerous functions, such as building and business openings and special events in the community. He conducted and directed local talent presentations on stage and on the air, sporting events and community displays.

He has been involved in many community and charitable organizations, usually becoming President. These include: the Catholic Youth Organization, Knights of Columbus, Trail & District Arts Council, Trail & District Chamber of Commerce, Trail Rotary Club, Trail International Film Society, Trail Regional Hospital Foundation, and the Trail Senior Hockey Club.

Joe also Chaired committees that organized major community events, such as the 1951 Jubilee of Incorporation, the 1967 Centennial Committee, the 1971 Esplanade Centennial Park Project, the Trail Day at Expo ’74 in Spokane, Washington, the 1976 City Diamond Jubilee Celebration and the Kootenay Music Festival. In 1977, Joe received the Queen’s Silver Medal for his dedication and service to his community.
Joe also assisted with the founding of the Knights of Columbus Trail/Warfield Citizen of the Year and the Home of Champions Monument.

Joe’s dedication to improving the welfare of his community and its residents is remarkable.